Spletna vozovnica (Obrazec e -poštnega sporočila)

Opomba: Konfiguracijo sistema lahko preverite in naložite z uporabo sistema Windows msinfo32.exe ali CPUZ.; podprti so samo formati gif, jpg, png, zip, txt; velikost datoteke ne sme presegati 3 MB.

Please use either MSI Center, MSI Center Pro, Dragon Center, or Creator Center to export the laptop’s system information and upload the text file when submitting the web ticket. The information will help us to resolve your question more efficiently.
Refer to the following tutorials for instructions:
- HOW-TO export system information file by MSI Center or MSI Center Pro: https://youtu.be/4nWnvtTdk1E
- HOW-TO export system information file by Dragon Center or Creator Center: https://youtu.be/PSVL2WwIk1E?t=26
If your notebook doesn’t support any of the MSI Centers mentioned above, please download MSI Help Desk to export the system information.
Download MSI Help Desk here:
-Win32 app download link: https://download.msi.com/uti_exe/nb/MSIHelpDeskWin32.zip
Refer to the following tutorial for instructions:
HOW-TO export the system information by MSI Help Desk: https://youtu.be/N8cmsAxV0-U

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